Canadian pilots presented with wings by Mackenzie King (1942)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Canada’s prime minister presents RAFC pilots with their wings Full Description: CANADA: Ontario: Ottawa: EXT AEROPLANES, Canadian. P.M. Mackenzie King decorates march past of fighter pilots CANADA. MacKenzie King decorates new . Parliament Hill past KING, MacKenzie (1874-1950). Decorates new pilots . at Parliament Hill, past etc. Airforce - Ceremonial; Personalities - Politicians; Canada; Ceremonies - Decorations Medals, ceremony, wings, handshake, RAF, marching, band, WWII, World War Two, World War II, Second World War, War, Allied, Allies Background: Canada’s prime minister presents RAFC pilots with their wings FILM ID: VLVA4OU8TWN3URBVKVT427A12KXBA To license this film, visit
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