American troops in Korea (1950)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit US troops in Korea prepare for winter, Chinese prisoners are marched to compound Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: Troops Prepare for Winter in Korea KOREA: EXT AMERICAN MILITARY Winter in Korea.. Jeep crosses river loaded with troops thro’ warm by fire protection of prisoners under guard KOREA. Hard wintry weather in loaded with troops cross thro’ river near under , keep warm by fire with straw as protection PRISONERS OF WAR... Chinese Prisoners of War taken in Korea near Manchuria Military - Active; Korean War river, vehicles, military, soldiers, prisoners of war, tents, troops, Background: US troops in Korea prepare for winter, Chinese prisoners are marched to compound FILM ID: VLVA4UXYLO8Q6GTETX42CVLSJITKR To license this film, visit
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