Allied Armies in Burma (1942)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit The Allied armies are seen in Burma Full Description: Gaumont British Ident SLATE INFORMATION: The Far East Front - The Allied Armies in Burma MYANMAR (formerly Burma): EXT The allied Armies, including Chinese troops, are seen in Burma and Gen. Chiang Kai Shek arrive by airplane ALEXANDER, General New . in Far East Theatre of War BURMA. Kai Shek & wife arrive by plane at Lashio.. inspect Burmese Gov: inspects Chinese & Sikhs recapture columnist Alexander new C-in-C troops cross Sittang River in Sampans CHIANG KAI SHEK And wife arrive by plane at . inspects Burmese rifleman CHINA Gen. Chiang Kai Shek & wife arrive by plane at . inspects Burmese Gov: R.D. Smith inspecting Chinese troops DORMAN-SMITH, Sir Reginald Inspects Ch
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