DEFENCE: General Wavell and his chiefs of staff plan countermeasures (1942)

BRITISH PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit British army chiefs plan response after the P1 airfield in Southern Sumatra was attacked by a force of Japanese paratroopers. Full Description: CANADA: INT LV Col. B.R. Mullaly, Commodore . Beech, . (Navy), Col, J.F. Preston, . Pacific Command, Major-General R.O. Alexander, ., ., in C. (Pacific Command), Wing Commander E.C. Lukes, ., Air Commodore L.F. Stevenson, . Western Air Command seated with Commander C.M. Cree, . CU pan of same group. DUTCH EAST INDIES: Java: EXT LV General Archibald Percival Wavell and Lt. Gen. Pownall walking in garden. CU pan from Wavell to Pownall. SV Wavell and Pownall. GOOD SCENES: CANADA: INT LV Beech, Alexander and Stevenson looking at maps. CU Beech and Alexander looking at map. SV Beech, Alexander and Stevenson looking at maps. CU Alexander and Stevenson. SCUTV Alexander and his staff as in
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