The Sundowners 1960, Robert Mitchum, Deborah Kerr, first time watch full movie reaction

Paddy & Ida Carmody (Robert Mitchum & Deborah Kerr) are sundowners in Australia, it means their home is wherever the sun goes down, as they travel the continent herding sheep. They’ve been at this for 16 years and the movie begins where Ida now seems to have major issues with their lifestyle. They have a teenage son that she leverages in her arguments to Paddy for why they should be looking for a home. Paddy has always been a drifter and can’t seem to come around to Ida’s point of view of wanting to take on a mortgage and risk the ups and downs of life in one spot. A compromise seems to be the steady job he takes for a season shearing sheep as they build up a nest egg, and then must make a decision of what to do next. This video is a bring your own copy watch-along as there is no current upload of it free on Youtube. check our pinterest board for beautiful pics from this movie: time stamps 0:00 - Intro 12:08 - “playing in 3-2-1 click“ c
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