медитация, изохронные тона, Шуман Earth Frequency - 7,83 hz Pure Tone Schumann Resonance (Isochronic Tones)

This schumann earth frequency is made from a pure sine wave with 90 Hz (inreases the feeling of security, wellbeeing and inner balance) and isochronic tones pulsating at a rate from hz. Best to listen with headphones. The Schumann frequency of Hz is the fundamental frequency of the earth that pulsates in this oscillation pattern. The human being is in resonance to this oscillation field, since our pineal gland (epiphysis), pituitary gland and the hippocampus are at the same frequency. Hz Schumann resonance can be used for relaxation, improving stress tolerance and accelerated healing. Revitalizing and rejuvenating effects. Brainwave entrainment with binaural beats or isochronic tones enables deep meditative states - Meditation music to calm and realx your mind. The Hz also correspond to the transition between the alpha and theta wave range in the brain waves (can be measured using the EEG), a relaxed waking state that is achieved through meditation. This frequency promo
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