Bloody Mary Meme || Countryhumans Russia || 2023

Vk group - Original Music - Original meme - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alternative to the Future World: New Eras The series tells about the history of mankind based on futurology, theory and hypothesis, where the main character is not faces among people, but the Chronicle itself. Альтернатива Будущего Мира: Новые Эпохи Сериал рассказывающий об истории человечества основываясь на футурологии, теории и гипотезе , где главным героем выступает не лица среди людей ,а сама Хроника . Timeline of the meme video: 00:05 - Alternative World 2210 year 00:23 - 2048-2050, Purple Revolution in Russia 00:30 - 2050, proclamation of the first Nexusar state - Russian Nexusaria 00:43 - 2063, the outpbreak of World War III 01:07 - 2065, the beginning of the Civil War in China and the United States 01:11 - 2067, End of World War 3 01:17- 2078, proclamation of the British Theocracy (British Civil War 2076-2078) and 2093, proclamation of Socialist State - Union of Soviet Socialist American Republics (2091-2096 South American Civil War) 01:21- 2150s, Civil War in Russia, Victory of the Russian Nexusars 01:26 - 2180s, Technological race and mass emigration to Mars (Colonization of Mars began in 2075, 2100 - the proclamation of the first Martian state - Mars Federation)
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