Fuzzrocious Big Fella

прикольная фича фидбека The Fuzzrocious Big Fella is a deluxe version that includes not only the drive and gated fuzz of the Li’l Fella but the delicious drive of their Demon and Demon Deluxe! Start with your choice of Demon or Li’l Fella circuits via the toggle. Then fine tune the wide Tone sweep and the Demon’s Drive while the Fella adds in more low and high gain possibilities with its addition of a Gain control. The Gate footswitch works in either mode, providing a means of shutting down noise for chugging enjoyment as well as a starved, crumbling decay. Taking it one step further is a momentary Feedback switch up top to add drones, glitchy sub octave and interactive squeals as you adjust the pedal or the guitar’s controls. You can run the Big Fella on 9 or 18V for different levels of headroom and like previous Fuzzrocious designs, the Big Fella has the range to accept bass or any other instrument. Checkout these handmade devices at Find me on Instagram:
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