shitpostatus (REMAKE)

I told mum not to look at my ’shitpostatus’ files gotcha ass (well not really, you probably just clicked ’show more’ lol) So I looked over my first shitpostatus video’s comments, as it’s (as of this video’s upload date) the most popular video on my channel with 50k views, and I noticed that in the comments I saw multiple peeps talk about ’Monument Mythos’ and ’Spaceballs’. It never occurred to me that the thumbnail of the original video was from this supposed ’Spaceballs’, I basically just searched up ’statue of liberty’ and it came up with that so I thought “why not“. Apologies to those of whom I have bamboozled with the thumbnail (changed it), so I made this remake of my most popular vid (as of its upload date lol). I’ll work on a Spaceballs variation until you all start begging for it. -FonniHQ
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