They Sold Their Home & Downsized To A Beautiful School Bus Conversion

Subscribe For More Videos : Subscribe For Weekly Sneak Peeks : Subscribe For Life On The Road Videos : VIDEO DESCRIPTION: Bridgette and Clay owned a 1,600 square foot home and were living the “American Dream“, but it didn’t feel like a dream to them. They decided to sell everything, downsize and move into something smaller. After a lot of consideration, they decided to go with a Skoolie. They sold their home in 8 days, bought plane tickets and purchased an already built-out bus for 20K. They’ve made small changes over the last 6 months of living in it to make it work better for them (and their pets whom they love) and are loving the community they’ve become a part of and the lifestyle change. We wish them luck on their journey! Their YouTube - Their Insta -
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