The Turn 1 Essentials - Labrynth (Pt I) | Combo Guide | YuGiOh! Master Duel

The new selection box (Dreaded Conspiracy) and the new secret pack brought us some awesome support for Labrynth. Therefore, in this guide, we will take a closer look at the most basic but essential (furniture) Labrynth turn 1 combos. We will go over turn 0 combos in a future video, which will be released soon. (Furniture) Labrynth has made some waves in the TCG the past few months, after the addition of Big Welcome and Lady Labrynth. There are 2 builds that go around, the previously mentioned Furniture build, using Stovie and Chandraglier, and the floodgate variant that uses... well, the annoying cards. It does make Labrynth relatively flexible in the current meta as both builds have different strong/weak points, so use this to your advantage. Although, I do not want to encourage the use of too many floodgates. Part 2: Turn 0 combos - Hope this will help you guys play Labrynth in the future! ---------------------------------------------------------
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