Big roosters crowing compilation with 15 different breeds - Whitecrested Polish, Serama, Leghorn

Big roosters crowing compilation with the following 15 different breeds of domestic chickens: Pita Pinta Asturiana, Ayam Serama, Sebright, Dutch bantam, Whitecrested Polish, Sanjak Longcrower, Bergischer Kräher, Sulmtaler, Styrian chicken, French Marans, White Leghorn, Exchequer Leghorn, Austrian bantam, Japanese bantam, La Fleche, Robert Höck, Februar 2018 #backyardchickens #backyardroosters #rooster #roostercrowing #crowingrooster #hahn #hahnenkrähen #hähne #chickenfarming #farmingchickens #krähwettbewerb #krähvergleich #hühnerhaltung #hühneraufyoutube #hühnerzucht #hühnerrassen #backyardpoultry #poultryofinstagram #gallo #gallinas #wakeupcall #gallinasfelices
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