6,000 Demons! Renevant by nikroplays (New Hardest)
Since I beat Bloodbath for 2k demons and Bloodlust for 4k demons, I figured Renevant was the only logical pick after doing Allegiance for 3k. I was very skeptical about the idea of going for a new hardest during the middle of university but I was able to beat it after 10 days back at uni 3 days of prepractice back in October when I had the idea of beating this.
I started getting a bit unlucky towards the end of the grind, but this is a really good level and for most of my time playing I did enjoy it. My enjoyment declined during the last few days of playing since I just wanted to be done with the level, and I also died at 98 earlier today which really killed my mood. I was going to stop playing for the day but I had 59 deaths past 60% and I wanted one more for the even number, and I actually beat it which was very unexpected as I was not playing very well from 0 during my last hour.
This will certainly be my last hardest for a very long time, for two reasons.
Firstly, I have one single goal for 2024 and it is to be top 1 in demon count. Smiffy is currently at just over , and while it sounds like a large gap I have over 500 hard demons uncompleted. I can certainly grind myself up there really fast and I have a huge extreme demon advantage over ever other demongrinder.
Secondly, I just do not like playing levels this hard towards the end of the grind. They make me feel awful mentally when I can’t finish them off and it just is not healthy for me at all. I haven’t enjoyed a hardest in almost 2 years and that was because I got very lucky on Frozen Cave with one ending death and like 5 ship deaths. I would much prefer to stick to grinding easier extremes and increasing my demon and extremes count. Not only that, but the list is just so much harder than when I used to play a lot of levels on it back in 2022. When I was new to the list I could beat something at the bottom in like 2 days but now it takes me a week despite being so much better at the game now.
In case anyone asks, there are a lack of FPS counter and cheat indicator because this was beaten in vanilla GD! I will not be installing any hacks in the foreseeable future (or probably ever) and since FPS does not affect gameplay anymore there is no need to have it on screen.
It sounds very cliché but I do genuinely believe I would have dropped this without the support of friends, so thank you to everyone that pushed me to carry on without dropping it.
Thank you ever so much @Claree for the awesome thumbnail and for being very supportive to me during my time playing this.
Song: Grim Grinning Ghosts by TheLivingTombstone
Attempts: 20,730
Worst Fail: 98%
Enjoyment: 6/10
Extreme Demon #388
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