How does Leeroy the Reckless work? | Hearth Tech#238

00:00 Intro How does Leeroy the Reckless work? 00:13 Test1 How does Emergency Maneuvers interact with Colossal minions and Khadgar? 00:57 Test2 What happens if Chaos Gazer curses a Tradeable card? 01:25 Test3 Abyssal Curse’s damage is not reset when it’s shuffled into deck now 02:01 Test4 Does Abyssal Curse copied by Cho increase its damage? 02:42 Test5 How does Bolf interact with Za’qul? 03:28 Test6 Lost in the Park additionally ticks for Crabatoa Claw after you play a hero card 04:12 Test7 How does Leeroy the Reckless works? 04:52 Outro Twitter: #Hearthstone
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