Learning English Requires Patience! 🐢🐇⏳

Learning English takes time and patience. There are so many words, rules, and unique phrases. Some learners might find it hard to understand advanced sentences, pronunciation, and grammar. But, remember, learning slowly and methodically is actually good. It helps you really get the basics, which is important for your learning. In this English lesson I’ll encourage you to learn at a steady pace, and at the same time I’ll teach you 7 very common English sayings and phrases about this approach to a task. You’ll learn the meaning of the following sayings and phrases: Slow and steady wins the race. Cross your t’s and dot you i’s. Haste makes waste! Do it slowly but surely. Rome wasn’t built in a day. Measure twice, cut once. Good things come to those who wait. Just remember, being patient is key. You’ll need to keep practicing, even when it feels hard. Being patient and practicing regularly will make learning English a good experience.
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