The second ORB UFO filmed over Burbank, WA. the morning of June 11, 2012 Very low and very bright

ORB over Burbank, WA June11, 2012 Very low in the sky very bright. In one night I saw two diferent orbs a few hours apart. If I can walk outside and get two of these on film then why can’t out government spend a few nights to see what these things are. It’s not like there is anything to see in Burbank, WA. so there not coming to earth to sight see. I have had a few of these come close enough and low enough that I could have shot them out of the sky. But if I did I’m sure there would be some kind of cover up and I would rot in prison in a foreign land. Sorry about the shaky camera. Don’t forget to check out my other sightings. I now have over a dozzen on film. Just tab on my name oldporchdog and it should bring you to my page.
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