Beginners Sewing Tutorial - Bird from Fabric Remnants
Hi & Welcome,
Red Rocking Bird here to share with you lots of Sewing, Art and DIY.
This little bird is adorable and you really should make one, not just flock! If you are a beginner I show you how, step by step. I demonstrate how I hand sew the bird, but of course you can use a sewing machine if you’d prefer.
He is made from fabric scraps, even those tiny scraps that you feel could only go in the trash, we will use them.
Please share your makes from Red Rocking Bird on Instagram #RedRockingBirdMake
There are lots on here to have a go at so please browse, SUBSCRIBE and hit the BELL. Thank you, I love making these videos for you.
All you need:
Fabric Scraps (I used cotton)
Scissors (I use small craft scissors to show you don’t need anything special)
Cotton thread
Paper to print template.
You will love this cute little project. You could use it as a pin cushion too. Or some seamstress cutting weights. They would look super cute in Christmas fabrics hung on the Christmas tree. Or how about neutrals for wedding birds.
Here’s the Template:
More FREE patterns on my channel, the elephant tutorial can be found here:
Or Available to purchase here: as a small fee to support my videos 😊
Another fabric scraps video can be found here (larger scraps):
- C O N N E C T W I T H M E -
▶ INSTAGRAM: @redrockingbird
▶ SUPPORT ME: KO-FI : by donating a COFFEE if you wish
For those that suggested you’d like to treat me to a coffee: ..... thank you
Currently I am using my ipad to film the clips * and
I use my Mac Book Pro * along with iMovie to edit my videos.
#redrockingbird #FREEtemplate #freebirdpattern
* affiliate links
Beginners Sewing Tutorial - Bird from Fabric Remnants,how to sew a bird,bird sewing tutorial,sew a bird from fabric scraps,bird pin cushion,beginners sewing project,hand stitch,how to ladder stitch,hand sew tutorial,no sewing machine projects,what should i sew?,sewing for beginners,how to sew soft toys,how to sew plushies,red rocking bird,sarah reeves,fabric remnant project,sew,What can I make with scraps of material?,mask scraps,upcycle,cat toy,for cat
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