.(max/furiosa).this world.

.,if i’m not free,then what is left of me?.. HD it copyright infringement intended. Warning:Spoilers for the movie. HANDS DOWN BEST MOVIE OF THE YEAR! Sorry about the one month it on mad literally hit a pause button on all of my i even went on a netflix binge{with 3 diff shows just to distract myself from this dry spell,hoping at some point i could edit something! but to no now my muse is back :) love their whole transition from hostility to mutual trust and then mutual of drift compatible!{they remind me of bellarke)..i just adore them so much.. and i never ship pairings from this one took me by surprise. Dedications: dealingdreams5- for listening to my rants on the movie and ship and being equally obsessed with this fandom :D bonehandledknife on tumblr -for feeding my obsession with your posts on film theory,it helped me appreciate the movie even more! Fandom:MM:FR Ship:Max R0ckatansky Imperator Furi0sa { Mad 2 Furiosa?..i love these ship names :D Colouring Credits:xKittyDream Music:pm me Inspiration: backup: ask: tumblr:
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