Image Of Moscow Terror Attack Suspect Revealed After Arrest In Russia ... @ashu_bagri

Image Of Moscow Terror Attack Suspect Revealed After Arrest In Russia ... @ashu_bagri Capturing Moscow Attack Suspects: Global Response Explore the capture of Moscow attack suspects and the international reactions to the tragic incident. #Moscowattacksuspects #Russiansecurityservices #globalterrorism #internationalresponse Russia captures suspects involved in deadly attack at a concert venue in Moscow At least 133 lives lost and over 140 people injured in the attack Four gunmen linked to the incident arrested after a dramatic car chase by Russian Security Services Suspects identified as Madras Nardino, Rosidi Isov, Shinjan Safoda, and Rustam Nazarov International leaders express solidarity and condemnation of terrorism following the tragic event 0:04 In a shocking turn of events, 0:05 Russia has captured the suspects involved in the deadly attack at a concert venue in Moscow. 0:11 The assailants, responsible for the loss of at least 133 lives and injuring over 1
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