From Disease to Genes and Back

How genes affect human diseases? Why some rare diseases appear to be completely determined by the genome, whereas more common ones arise from a complex interplay of many genes, the environment and chance? How can we understand, predict and treat these disorders? Take the new online course “From disease to genes and back“ offered by Novosibirsk state University on Coursera and find the answers to these questions. The course is taught by five practicing researchers representing three leading research universities: Novosibirsk State University, The University of Liège and The University of Leuven, Louvain universities and PolyOmica, the research company developing software and solutions for data analysis in biological and biomedical Sciences. You will get first-hand knowledge on how researchers find genes responsible for various diseases, and how this information can help us better understand the diseases and treat them more effectively. To enroll:
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