Start Up of a WW2 Submarine Diesel Engine of a German U-Boat 🔊

Start up of a 6-cylinder diesel engine. The submarine engine RS 34 S was used in the Type XXIII submarines. Originally, it was designed by MWM as a diesel generator for the battleships Bismarck and Tirpitz. The engine has 108 liters cylinder capacity (18 liters for each cylinder) and 576 hp at 850 revolutions per minute. The engine is located in a museum in Kiel, Germany: These are the steps performed to start the engine: 0:08 - The young machine operator begins to pre-lubricate the engine. 0:32 - After reaching 2 bar oil pressure, the older machine operator turns the engine manually. 1:44 - The engine is turned by compressed air with cylinder taps opened to blow out water or oil, if present. The engine is still being pre-lubricated. 1:57 - The machine operator closes the cylinder taps. 2:14 - Water pump switched on (control cabinet in the background). 2:16 - Fuel valve opened. 2:18 - Injection pumps on filling: Probably, this means that the injection pumps are set to
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