Aww man

Offset your carbon footprint on Wren: The first 100 people who sign up will have 10 extra trees planted in their name! Merch! - ? Drawings will be posted soon on all socials! ➽INSTAGRAM - ➽TWITTER - ➽DEVIANTART - ​​ - Voice Actor for the Scottish Guards is by the talented James Smith! - This video is sponsored by Wren. Oh boy this one took a bit! It doesn’t help that for ’research’ and ’study’ I had to play more Minecraft than usual. I know, I know, the horror. Don’t worry I survived cause I’m a gamer What’s your favourite mob I’ve redesigned so far btw? Mine might be the Creeper simply cause I love how pathetic they are in my headcannon/lore. Can’t have too many OP m
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