Touhou 11 - Subterranean Animism - Perfect Stage 6 Lunatic

Replay: HAHAHAHA YESSSS!! Well, here it is, a run I’ve wanted for quite some time now. Utsuho is by far the most atmospheric final boss to ever grace this series. Everything about the battle fits really well together: the music, the annoyingly bright radioactive bullets, the gigantic sun bullet danmaku, and the... whatever that is in the background, the nuclear symbol with the cat on it. To put it simply, it’s intense. The stage portion is pretty straight forward (in this run, things got a little too close for comfort against those crows that crap all the large white bullets), and the same goes for the midboss encounter with Orin. In my opinion, most of Utsuho’s difficulty comes early on (actually, I don’t think anyone would disagree with this). Her first card is tough, but I’ve noticed that when I play more defensively on it (as in, not try to capture it ASAP), I tend to fair far better against it
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