Ismael Perez - Cosmic Conflict, Knowledge And History

Ismael Perez - Cosmic Conflicts, Knowledge And History...... This is from a Event we did Called The New Earth Collective - Journey through Consciousness. Ismael Perez author of (Our Cosmic Origin)gives a riveting presentation that talk about the Ancestral Cosmic Conflict and some of the history of these Cosmic Entities. Also a glimpse if what to come in the Dimensional aspects of our journey. #fullspectrumuniverse #ismael_perez #comsicconflict To Help Support this channel become a member... _______________________________________________________________________________________________ To purchase Ismael’s Book click the link below: =sr_1_1?qid=1645400038&refinements=p_27:Ismael Perez&s=books&sr=1-1 _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Subscribe to ou
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