If Bonnie and Foxy returned to the band||Part 2/?|"Reunion of Enemies"|☆NoBoDyImPoRtAnT☆

I believe this should be posted by morning or afternoon, but besides that. This is the first time I’ve premiered a video, so bare with me! T ^T This video has a lot of mood swings and more angst than I wanted/expected so yea, I added a little but of some fluffy-angst at the end for sadness, but this took a long while and for me it is currently 4:13AM as I type this description. I started this video I believe yesterday or earlier this afternoon(actually yesterday afternoon, but who cares-). Anyways, enough rambling, hope you enjoyed part two to this series, I will make a video of all of the parts combined when I finish the parts and thumbnail! Anyway, bai-bai and hope you had/ are having a good night/day! –☆NoBoDyImPoRtAnT☆ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Song links: Ghost town: Caves of Dawn: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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