Thomas Tilly & Antoine Fouquet: Codex Amphibia

Video teaser of the sound art and herpetology project realized by Thomas Tilly (composer) and Antoine Fouquet (Research associate at The French National Center for Scientific Research) during the frogs explosive breeding phenomenon, french Guiana 2016-2018. Pictures by Antoine Fouquet, Thomas Tilly and Audric Broux. Texts and audio pieces available as an online publication on (phonotaxis), will be published as a CD on Aposiopese late 2020 . Codex Amphibia (an interpretation of the explosive breeding) has been published as a CD on Glistening examples, 2018 ... . This work has benefited from an “Investissement d’Avenir” grant managed by Agence Nationale de la Recherche (CEBA, ref. ANR-10-LABX-25-01) and has been supported by Le Lieu Multiple, Jazz à Poitiers, Césaré, Studio d’en Haut. It has benifited of the grant « Brouillon d’un rêve, Pierre Schaeffer » by SCAM. Thanks to : The Réserve Naturelle des Marais de Kaw Roura, the DEAL (Direction de l’Environnement, de l’Aménagement et du Logement), the LEEISA (Laboratoire Ecologie, Evolution, Interactions des Systèmes amazoniens USR3456), Anthony Taillard, Michel Blanc, Mathias Fernandez, Timothée Lepape, laboratoire IRD LAMA Cayenne, Association GEPOG (Groupe d’Etude et de Protection des Oiseaux de Guyane), the CERATO herpetological society, Pierre Judon, Jason Lescallet, Gildas Houdebine, Agathe Coutel. For their technical support. And : Bettina Lê, Sevahnee Pyneeandy, Hugo Reizine, Anais Bonnefond, Benoit Villette, Timothée Lepape, Mathilde Segers, Laetitia Proux, Audric Broux, Vincent Premel, Élodie Courtois, Philippe Gaucher, Lois Boucher, Yanick Lima, Vincent Rufray, Mael Dewynter, Elven Remerand, Martin Bonhomme, Amélie Beillard Alexandra Le Manchec, Morgane Sineau, Florie Delfour, Joris Grenon, Yvon Guenescheau, Bastien Moisan Julien Clozeau, Pierre Leclerc, Julien Morand. For their precious help on the field. Read more:
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