Handmade Wooden Teapot丨仿制一把紫檀西施壶丨4K UHD丨小喜XiaoXi丨Traditional Craft

It’s late summer and early fall. The weather is still hot and dry, which makes me feel a little blue. So I made a wooden teapot. Time flies like an arrow. It’s just past noon, the chilly fall breeze gently caresses me as I soak up some sunshine filtering through the shade of leaves. I make a cup of tea, letting all the worries and cares get swept away. The fragrance of tea makes me feel relaxed. It’s a laid-back lifestyle! ============================================ 夏末秋初 余热未消,天干气躁 整个人也变得郁燥起来 索性做了一个紫檀茶壶 人生如白驹过隙,秋日凉风渐习 晒着午后的阳光,泡上一壶小
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