Harold Halibut - Story Trailer 2021

Wishlist us on Steam: Everything shown in the trailer (apart from the 2D animated introduction) was rendered in realtime in the Unity engine. To stay in the know, please visit our website: , follow us on Twitter: @haroldhalibut, @Slow_Bros, Instagram: harold_halibut, facebook: haroldhalibut, and of course here on YouTube :) Harold Halibut is a handmade narrative game about friendship, and life on a city-sized spaceship submerged in an alien ocean. It’s been 250 years since your home - an ark-like spaceship - fled an Earth on the verge of cold war to find a habitable planet on which to preserve the human race. You are Harold, a young lab assistant for the ship’s lead scientist, Jeanne Mareaux. While most of the ship’s inhabitants have reconciled themselves to a life lived aboard the sunken ship, Mareaux still works tirelessly to find a way for the ship to leave the planet and find a new,
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