Yes Ritchie is the king of the non-shredders-but-faster-than-anyone-who-ever-picked-up-a-guitar players (and there are more than you think of them, like Doug Aldrich). People never seem to look at Ritchie Blackmore for fast solos, evern though he is the fastest guitarist ever. That world record holder is way less melodic (the only shredder more melodic than Blackmore is Malmsteen, and he is just slower) and is probably slower. When Ritchie goes for it, he goes for it. And, above all, Ritchie is a musician, a category that no Rustey Cooley-style shreddders will ever fit into until they learn to play the guitar properly. Shredders are shit, no doubt, and Ritchie is god. No shredding videos should ever be in the music category in youtube, and youtube should create a noise category just for them and pop singers in it for the money. Probably something like 19587485bpm. Just to clarify: Ritchie Blackmore Rainbow Death Alley Driver Japan 1984
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