УМЫ МУЖЧИН -| The Minds of Men | Official Documentary by Aaron & Melissa Dykes
“The Minds of Men“ is a 3 year investigation into the experimentation, art, and practice of social engineering and mind control during the Cold War - a mind-bending journey into the past that gives startling insight into the world we are living in today
УМЫ МУЖЧИН - это более чем 3-летнее исследование экспериментов, искусства и практики социальной инженерии и контроля над разумом во время холодной войны - ошеломляющего путешествия в прошлое, которое дает поразительное понимание мира, в котором мы живем сегодня.
This is a long historical documentary on mind control, and ultimately, population control. It gives the viewer an in-depth look into the CIA’s MK-Ultra program and it’s myriad of sub-projects, all geared towards the goal of controlling the human mind and manipulating populations.
t’s over 3 hours long, the length necessary to thoroughly learn about the subject from its inception to its conclusion. For the last century, governments have been experimenting wit
5 days ago 00:04:53 1
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