No Private Thoughts, No People-Pleasing | Frances Xu | Take Me Home Documentary
Frances Xu shares about no private thoughts, no people-pleasing and nurturing our relationship with the Spirit.
The Living Miracles Monastery, where the documentary “Take Me Home“ was filmed, only has two guidelines: no private thoughts and no people-pleasing. All who come are offered an opportunity to live by these guidelines and open up to authenticity and trust with each other.
In this talk, Frances goes more deeply into the practical application of these guidelines. and why they are so important for our Awakening journey. What is really behind these guidelines, and how can you start applying them for yourself?
The beautiful concepts of “A Course in Miracles“ need to be put to practice for us to be convinced by the Holy Spirit. When we give our mind and trust to the Holy Spirit and we start to follow His Guidance, we are convinced in the following. How do we develop trust in the Holy Spirit? To develop trust is to start trusting.