What If “Face to Face“ by Daft Punk Used Newer Samples?

Join my Discord server: Twitter: Reddit: Soundcloud: This idea was inspired by a conversation in the Sample Hunting Discord community (now known as the Sample Sanctuary). Join here if you’d like: So I challenged myself to recreate Daft Punk’s “Face to Face” using samples that were released long after when the samples for the original track were released. While the original used samples mostly coming from the 1970s and 80s, I decided to use songs from a later time frame, hovering around the 2000s and early 2010s. This is mostly just something I did for fun; I wanted to see how close I could get to the original song while using entirely different samples. Either way, hope you enjoy! Full list of samples and their original equivalents:* LCD Soundsystem - Time to Get Away (main drums, used in place of:
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