Aliens, The Vatican and Elongated Skulls

Who are the controllers? We all know there are people controlling this reality but who are they? or maybe a better question is what are they and how do we get rid of them? Are there Aliens in the Vatican? Link to ’Vatican Alien’ video Martin’s Book The Holy Grail of Our Flat Earth Help Support This Channel Donations Paypal - ​ 👕 Get Your Autodidactic Merch Here 🧢 There are two links, one for northern hemisphere and one for southern. All merch is the same this is just to save you money on postage. USA, UK, Canada and rest of world - ​ Australia, New Zealand and S.E. Asia – ​ Protect Yourself Get VirtualShield Here and protect your computer and phone from prying eyes from $3 a month ​ EMF Harmonised Protect yourself from harmful EMFwaves My ot
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