[HOI4] Red Flood - Russia Unification Super Events

Red Flood is an alternative history mod for Hearts of Iron 4 that looks at a world where the post-war peace was never a reality, leading to a scenario in which the centuries old balance of power has been destroyed and those left in its rubble must decide to rebuild what they once held or race on to a brighter future. Steam: Kolchak/Black Bloc - Military Dictatorship: (0:00) Drozdovsky/RNSUV - Military Dictatorship: (0:35) Diterikhs/NID - Religious Fundamentalism: (1:22) Anastasia I/Mladorossi - National-Rejuvenatism: (2:12) Savinkov/PSR(GS) - Agrarian Socialism: (3:01) Uladzimir I/RDJR - Absolute Monarchy: (3:40) Gorgulov/Scythists - National-Rejuvenatism: (4:24) Trubetskoy/Eurasianists - Authoritarian Democracy: (5:08) Kornilov/RRP - Authoritarian Democracy: (5:49) Gulidov/Gulidov’s Clique - Military Junta: (6:31) Baydalakov/NTS - National-Rejuvenatism: (7:13) Milyukov/Kadets - Market Liberalism: (8:0
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