HOI4 TNO Custom Super Events: Austrian Independence

Basically, what if Austria somehow breaks free during 2nd GCW. 0:00 SocDem/LibSoc Austrian Republic led by SPÖ under Bruno Kreisky. It’s not hard to guess that sudden shift from Nazism to left-wing democracy could lead to some issues. Music: Die Internationale - 0:39 ConDem Austria under ÖVP and chairman Josef Klaus. Basically, democratisation, denazification and recovery of Austria’s identity are the program. Music: Ode to Joy - 1:27 Despotist military under general Kurt Waldheim coups the government and establishes martial law. All high-ranking Nazis in Austria are arrested, and some of them executed. All in all, you can compare him with Pinochet. He can democratize if pressured by people, but he isn’t rushing that. Music: Deutschösterreich, du herrliches land - 2:10 AuthDem Otto von Habsburg returns to Austria and gets crowned as
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