Cute kitten Zlata has found her own house and won’t let anyone in

It’s so cute to watch cats play together in a fun mood. Zlata found a house and decided not to let anyone in. No matter how hard mom cat Johanna tried, she couldn’t get in. Even though Zlata is the smallest in our feline family, she defended her right to a separate home. She lay down at the entrance, scared everyone away with her growling, and sometimes got into a threatening pose and pawed. 🐱 Little kitten Zlata teases mommy cat and offers to play - 🐱 Little furry kitten has no one to play with and is looking for friends - 🐱 Cute kitten Zlata diligently licks her paws and takes a long time to wash - If you want to watch our kittens growing and spending time, please like this video and subscribe to our channel - #kitten #cat #littlekittens #momcat #kittyhouse #catsplay #DirtyKitten
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