(Please Turn on Annotations) Topics Included :
- What is Apoptosis ?
- Four Important Points about Apoptosis
- Apoptosis & Programmed Cell Death
- Definition of Apoptosis
- Causes of Apoptosis
- Examples of Apoptosis in Physiological Situations
- Examples of Apoptosis in Pathological Conditions
- Morphological Features of Apoptosis
- Biochemical Features of Apoptosis
- Mechanisms of Apoptosis
- Initiation Phase
- Execution Phase
- Intrinsic Pathway
- Extrinsic Pathway
- What are Caspases ?
- Types of Caspases
- Role of Caspases in Apoptosis
- B c l - 2 & B c l - x
- B a k & B a x
- Apaf 1 & AIF
NOTE : At 30:16 th minute there is a little spelling mistake. It will be “Bak & Bax“ instead of “Bac & Bax“ . I apologize for the spelling mistake. I have added an annotation at th minute with correction also.
Hope it is helpful.- Dr. Rabiul