Рождение нации. Серия 4

Watch free russian tv shows with english subtitles. All films: Format: TV series Genre: docudrama Year: 2016 Number of episodes: 4 Directors: Maksim Bespalyy Scenario: Maksim Bespalyy, Maksim Kalsin, Marina Bandilenko “The Birth of A Nation” features a wonderful period in the history, associated with the advent and spreading of Christianity in the territory of ancient Rus. The viewers will learn how the views and religious beliefs of the people of that time was evolving and what whey consisted of, how political mentality was changing, how what we know now as the Old Russian culture and spirituality – the things that shaped the great Holy Russia with its millennial history and uninterrupted connection with the present day – was being born. Watch movies and TV series for free in high quality. Explore a great collection of documentaries. The best Russian movies and TV series, melodramas,
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