ASMR Medical Scalp Inspection | Dandruff Removal, Scalp Scratching & Head Massage

Shop EnjoyingPhones and use code ’Latrece15’ at checkout for 15% OFF your order ➡️ The Doctor closely examines your scalp to find a very dry, itchy, flaky scalp! I will use a special tool and a comb to thoroughly remove the dandruff from your scalp. Next up, apply a treatment to your scalp that will moisturize and nourish the scalp. We will finish off with a nice scalp and head massage to really work the treatment in for maximum benefit. Please LIKE COMMENT SHARE Headband Wig from: Ways to Support: Paypal: Cash App: Hair & Skin Products: #asmrdandruff #dandruffremoval #asmrscalpinspection #asmrscalpmassage Watch video AD FREE here: Benefits of the Tingles app: No ads Support artists easily by leaving tips and m
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