Attila Zoller - Lasting Love (1997)

In “Lasting Love,“ Attila Zoller pours his soul into every note, creating an intimate solo guitar masterpiece. Recorded in 1997, this album showcases Zoller’s virtuosic technique and profound emotional depth, capturing the essence of jazz in its purest form. From the gentle strumming of “About B & B“ to the tender melodies of “Alicia’s Lullaby,“ Zoller’s guitar speaks a language of love and introspection, inviting listeners to explore the subtleties of his musical expression. Zoller’s career, marked by his daring escape from post-war Hungary and his eventual immersion into the American jazz scene, is a testament to his resilience and passion. On “Lasting Love,“ his compositions are both a tribute to his journey and a reflection of his innovative spirit. The album’s rich textures and intricate harmonies reveal a musician who is not only a master of his craft but also a storyteller, weaving tales of joy, sorrow, and everything in between. Ea
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