How to calculate allele frequency

Allele frequency Allele frequency is a measure of the relative frequency of an allele on a genetic locus in a population. Usually it is expressed as a proportion or a percentage. In population genetics, allele frequencies show the genetic diversity of a species population or equivalently the richness of its gene pool. The frequencies of all the alleles of a given gene often are graphed together as an allele frequency distribution histogram. Population genetics studies the different “forces“ that might lead to changes in the distribution and frequencies of alleles - in other words, to evolution. Besides selection, these forces include genetic drift, mutation and migration. #chromosome #geneticCode #RNA #MolecularBiology #chromatid #protein #alleles #locus #AllelicFrequencies #phenotype #genes #gregorMendel #mRNA #DNA #transcription #geneExpression #codons #Cancer #Genetics101 #centromeres #GeneticsLecture #gene #Genetics #Allele #geneticDrift #mutation #migration #PopulationGenetics #evolution #apBiology #biology #hardyweinbergProblems #problems #alleleFrequency #GenePool #educational #tutorial #hardyWeinbergAssumptions #hardyWeinberg
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