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#AsianElephantProjects #SaddleOffProjects #ElephantFood #FoodforElephants #ElephantFruitCakes The Saddle Off projects supported by Asian Elephant Projects are home to over 80 Asian elephants. As a result of the Covid-19 crisis and the collapse of tourism in Thailand, there have been almost no visitors to these ethical elephant projects since March 2020. This makes it very difficult to keep providing for the elephants, especially their huge daily food needs. The Saddle Off Projects are doing the best that they can to care for the elephants living at their projects, but could really use more support. If you are in a position to support the elephants during these challenging times, any gift to help feed the elephants would be greatly appreciated. Thanks to everyone who has given food gifts and fruit cakes to the elephants over the past year. If you would like to support the elephants our Saddle Off projects with a food gift visit - Read m
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