How to biohack your intelligence [2] Selacious Sex and Social Intelligence Lifehacks

In this podcast series, I read and comment on Biohacker-extraordinaire Serge Faguet’s exhaustive article, How to biohack your #intelligence — with everything from #sex to modafinil to MDMA “Society is sexualized and ties the male ego to having sex. Doing so makes the ego content and easier to control.“ Serge writes. I think there could be a lot of nuance added to this... Society is sexualized also DE-SEXUALIZED because of how the internet so insidiously lures both men and women into satisfying their socio-sexual needs digitally. And is it “society“ that ties the male ego to having sex, or is that simply evolutionary psychology? And do men have their egos more in check when they are getting laid regularly? It took me a couple of years of marriage to get my ego in check. And I can think of more than a few natural seducers I’ve known who had MONSTROUS egos that self-sabotaged them - one of them ended up getting himself dead (in a very stupid way)! ▶️ Listen to #podcast on @Odysee: @jroseland:f/How-to-biohack-your-intelligence-2:9 Read 📑 Everything I mentioned here and the rest of the series #LimitlessMindset #SocialIntelligence
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