- Homage a Maurice Ravel, piano suite/ Εγκώμιο στον Μωρίς Ραβέλ (1925?)

1. Prelude aux rossignol de de Luz (pas trop lent) (00:20) 2. Sarabande pour une maman defunte (lent et funebre) (04:04) 3. Celebration- Finale (vif et enjoue) (07:53) Emilios (Emil) Riadis (1880 -- 1935) was a greek poet and composer of the Greek National School. He studied in Munich and Paris with Maurice Ravel (it was said that he called him “my genius student“) and wrote mostly songs, piano and symphonic pieces. He was also the first greek impressionist composer. The work “Homage to Maurice R
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