The Beast 666 from the depths of Hell. Did King Charles III just reveal his true identity?
My 40-minute video of King Charles as the probable Antichrist of the Holy Bible, of which his latest official portrait, which got a lot of attention and amazement on the internet, is just the latest confirmation.
Buy my 5-star rated book about King Charles as the possible Antichrist here: =sr_1_2?crid=2SMI960QUGTK0&keywords=samuel tuominen&qid=1648605686&sprefix=samuel tuominen,aps,195&sr=8-2
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07:20-10:55: Composer: Georg Friedrich Händel.
Composition: Messiah, 1st movement. Performed by the MIT Concert Choir, Cutter - Paolo Villa (deleted 3 coughs)
10:55-12:30 Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 1 - 19 Prelude No. 10 in E minor, BWV 855, by J.S. Bach, played by Kimiko Ishizaka.
35:00-39:20: Cantata Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland (BWV 62) by J.S. Bach, presented at the 2005 wedding of Prince Charles and Camilla.
12:30 - 15:00: Composer: Carl Orff
Composition: Carmina Burana (O Fortuna)
(all other excellent modern compositions in my video are taken from the video editor tool Veed where you can find the same music and video footage as from the website Storyblocks.)