Apartment for sale 78 sq. m. in the house of 1894 in the center of Rostov-on-Don at Krasnye Zori 142

We are considering both the sale of an apartment and its exchange for yours, if your offer interests us, we previously exchanged 3 apartments with a total area of ​​66 sq. m. on the top 2nd floor of a house on Grechesky Lane 3 for this apartment with a garage and a barn and another one, also in the center of Rostov-on-Don on Temernitskaya 83 with a space of 30.6 sq. m., with a personal attic and basement of the same area as the apartment itself! Do not hesitate to ask us questions about the house or come to inspect the apartment, we live here and will be able to receive you every day! #realestatesale #apartmentsale #realestateexchange #apartmentexchange #apartmentrostovnadon #realestaterostovnadonu The account was created, and managed by Stanislav Stanislavovich Velikoredchanin, creator of the web studio
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