Short, psychotic “vegetarian“, without education, just a corporal from WWI, pathetic and psychotic Adolf Hitler was a Jew and some of his closest “co-workers“ in war crimes of Nazi Germany were Jews as well.
Hitler and his criminal & war criminal “comrades“ were just a Jews, even they pretended that they were “Übermenschen“!
They all played some kind of Aryans (that is as we know now Slovene-Aryan Genetic Ydna haplogroup R1a), but they were just Genetic Ydna haplogroup J, that has been characteristic for Jews and Arabs...
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4 weeks ago 02:57:33 3
Внуки и дети военных преступников. Можно ли заставить целую нацию раскаяться? / А поговорить?...
4 weeks ago 00:00:32 1
Президент Никарагуа назвал Нетаньяху «сыном дьявола» и сравнивает его с Гитлером
4 weeks ago 00:06:51 1
Великий диктатор - Чарли Чаплин | Арт-бланш
4 weeks ago 00:23:39 1
Всё-таки ушел! Как Гитлер смог выжить и сбежать и где жил после войны
4 weeks ago 01:01:04 1
Бастион на Неве. Документальный фильм о блокаде Ленинграда (1962)