Derzug - Ancient Dephts
Derzug - Nanoptere
Akkma - Gamma Cephei
Fanubian & Ajna - Freaky Animals
Steven - There is no End
Fafazz - Primitive Piraata
Drip Drop - Time
Filterheads - The Dark Side of the Spoon
Filterheads - Wolfish
Mental Droop - Error System
R2 - Proper Procastination
Bonky - Rapida
Chromatec - Runtime Error
Chromatec - Soma
Chromatec - Digital Mind Travel
Chromatec - Underground Frequenzies
Chromatec - Voices From Beyond
Sator Arepo&Chromatec - A kind of Language
Mind Oscillation&Chromatec - Mountain of Madness
Chromatec - Brain Massage
Chromatec&Kasatka - Talking Spirits
The Doors - The End