White & dark chocolate mousse — no raw eggs

Thank you #Noom for sponsoring today’s video! Go to and take your free 30-second quiz. My preview video about how a little fat will mess up egg foams: ***RECIPE, SERVES FOUR*** 4oz (113g) solid eating chocolate 2 eggs 2/3 cup (160mL) cream (plus more to whip for garnish if you want) 1/3 cup (67g) sugar (plus a little more, potentially) a watery liquid (water, milk, coffee, booze, etc — amaretto is especially nice) corn syrup vanilla cream of tartar Get the chocolate melting in a small pot over gentle heat. Crack the eggs into a heat-safe mixing bowl, fish out the yolks and whisk them into the melted chocolate. Loosen up this chocolate mixture with enough of your watery liquid to make it whisk-able, about 1/4 cup (60mL) but it’ll depend on the kind of chocolate you’re using. If you’re using very dark chocolate and an unsweetened liquid, you might want to stir in an extra teaspoon or two of su
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