Uncovering the mysterious adventure game Hab-12 | [oscuro]
Some games you stumble across have a mysterious air surrounding them.
Hab-12 is one of those games. ▼▼▼Q&A BELOW▼▼▼
Welcome to the pilot episode of #oscuro, a #documentary series which strives to dig up lost media from complete obscurity and present them in a public spotlight for everyone to admire!
In this first episode, we will take a look at a game which was created by #Ratloop over 20 years ago. “Hab-12“, discovered in a random gaming magazine, is not your standard third person shooter. Offering a mix between a classic cinematic jump and run, third person adventure game and a third person shooter, Hab-12 was unlike any game of its time. The protagonist of this would be adventure game, named Miray, would be forced to fight his way through gigantic habitations inside the research ship called “The Sentient“. In his adventure, Miray grows from an underachieving every-man to a full blown survivalist after beating the odds over and over again in each habitation he finds himself in.
*Where does the name [oscuro] come from?*
I am an ethnic Italian who grew up in an Italian family. Part of the reason why I decided to name the series [oscuro] is because it sounds cooler than just... [obscure]. Another reason is that [oscuro] was the would be title of a comic or game I wanted to create yet it never came to fruition. At least the spirit of this project will live on in the name of this documentary.
*What is the purpose of [oscuro]?*
[oscuro] does not only exist for the documentaries. We try to archive and transcribe as much information as we can (with the explicit permission of the developers we work with) to catalog and archive those productions. Those archives will most likely be found on the “official cheecken website“ and the “Lost Media Wiki“ after the release of any given documentary.
*Does the [oscuro] team distribute demo builds and design documents?*
Absolutely not. We strive to be a reliable team of researchers that can bring obscure media into the spotlight without defying the original developers wishes. There might be gray areas in this field. What if a company does not exist anymore? What if we do get permission to redistribute files? It will all come down to a case by case basis, yet we absolutely prefer to NOT leak any confidential information we think is inappropriate to share. We share what we can. In this particular case, this means that we cannot share the entire design document, video files, the demo builds and music ourselves.
*Is [oscuro] sponsored by big publications?*
No! We are proudly indie and hope to stay this way! You can support the production of future [oscuro] episodes by buying our Gumroad products, buying merch off the [oscuro store] linked in the description and even donations are accepted. We do not believe in services like Patreon, since we think that selling products with great value and lots of work behind it, is much more valuable. If you do want to contribute by sending us more money regardless, the Gumroad products feature flexible pricing, starting from 15 USD and you can always send us money directly through and direct bank transfers (for those you can join the Cheecken Discord server and privately message me, Cheecken, to arrange a direct transfer).
*The music rocks! Where can I get it?*
The music is not included in the Gumroad product and it is entirely up to the musicians if they want to redistribute their music or not. You can buy Emjoe’s music off his Bandcamp page linked below and you can check out Mark’s Dubstep compositions on his Soundcloud! The soundtrack of the game Hab-12 currently is not sold or available for download in any fashion. Check back to this description regularly to find a link to the album once it releases... if it releases.
*I have another question that is not listed here!*
Ask it in the comment section! I would be happy to respond!
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Emjoe’s album out now!
(voice actor of MIRAY)
(voice actor of PAX)
Pete Gonzalez
Lukas Pope
Ratloop Games Canada
The “Miray“ character and Hab-12 video game are (c) 1998 Ratloop, Inc. All rights reserved. The Ratloop name and logo are trademarks of Ratloop, Inc. Used with permission.
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